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Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
27 March 2017

Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted a pre-deployment training (PDT) course, from 19-27 March 2017, for 170 Egyptian peacekeeping forces who will be joining the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). The training was held in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense, and in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/49/37.As conflicts become more complex, training is not only vital, but a pre-requisite for all success of peacekeeping missions. This could not be truer than in the case of Egypt--a top troop and police contributing country.

PDT refers to generic, specialized and, where appropriate, mission-specific peacekeeping training that is based on United Nations standards and takes place prior to deployment to a UN-led mission. Trainings are delivered by Member States to military and police personnel/units in their home country. CCCPA trainings are based on UN Peacekeeping Pre-Deployment Training Standards (PDTS), and cover topics such as UN peacekeeping operation principles; protection of civilians, the nature of conflict in the respective country; international humanitarian law and human rights; the role of gender and women in peacekeeping, and rules of engagement.

The training is part of the project “Consolidating Peace, Security and Stability in Africa - 2016”, implemented by CCCPA, in cooperation with the Government of Japan, and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

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