News & Events
UNAMID Pre-Deployment Training
14 August 2018

Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) course for 450 Egyptian Peacekeeping forces joining the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) from 6-14 August 2018. The aim of the PDT is to train and prepare peacekeepers before their deployment to the mission area.
The training is a collaboration between CCCPA and the Egyptian Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769 in 2007. Egypt’s total peacekeeping contribution to UNAMID is 1,021.
The training starts off with a context-specific presentation on the nature of conflict in the respective country. The curriculum utilized in the training is based on the Core Pre- Deployment Training Material (CPTM), including UN peacekeeping principles, international humanitarian law and human rights, the rules of engagement, protection of civilians, the role of gender and women in peacekeeping, and preventing sexual exploitation and abuse. 
According to the Security Council Resolution 2148 in 2014, the UNAMID mandate includes protecting civilians without prejudicing with the government’s responsibility, facilitating humanitarian assistance and ensuring the safety of human personnel, assisting in the mediation process between the Government of Sudan and non-signatory armed movements (based on the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur), and addressing the root causes of the conflict.

Photo Credit: UN news

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